Category Archives: Letters
Schools Week Article – How trusts can support schools to adopt AI safely
How trusts can support schools to adopt AI safely Executive teams have a responsibility to [...]
TES Article – How our trust has launched a 3-year digital road map
How our trust has launched a 3-year digital road map The CEO of 31-school Leigh [...]
Module 3 Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers, As this term draws to an end I want to thank you for [...]
LAT Winter Newsletter 2023
We are delighted to present the Leigh Academies Trust Winter Newsletter 2023. Click here to [...]
LAT Nationally Recognised by TES
At Bearsted Primary Academy, we are part of a larger trust of schools, known as [...]
Key Dates – Module 2
Dear Parent/Carer, It has been a wonderful start to the term, thank you so much [...]
Parent Governor Election
Dear Parent/Carer, RE: Election of Parent Governor(s) Nominations There is a vacancy for a parent [...]