Class Information
- Children are expected to read at home for pleasure. Reading comment tasks are done in school at 8.45-9.00am daily.
- PE: The children will need their PE kits on a Tuesday (Modules 1, 3 and 5) and a Friday, and their swimming kits on a Tuesday (Modules 2, 4 and 6).
Please ensure all belongings are clearly labelled.
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are in Place and Time
Central Idea: People’s actions can make a difference.
Lines of Inquiry
- The type of actions people can make.
- The differences that can be made
- The effect of the difference
Previous Units
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet
Central Idea: Tourism can bring benefits to an economy; however, it can cause problems in a local environment.
Lines of Inquiry
- The environmental regions found in North America
- Similarities and differences between our location and a place in North America
- How tourism affects communities
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organise Ourselves
Focus: Justice
Central Idea: Democracy can provide a level of say in how justice is served.
Lines of Inquiry
- How the UK justice system works.
- How law and the justice system change over time.
- How laws and justice are different around the world.
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: How the World Works
Central Idea: Scientific and technological advances can change environments.
Lines of Inquiry
- How electricity works.
- How electricity use has changed over time.
- The choices people make when using electricity.
- Effects on the environment.
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are
Central Idea: The work that charities do can change a person’s life.
Lines of Inquiry
- The work of charitable organisations.
- How everyday people help charities.
- The impact of the Industrial Revolution on life today.
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet
Central Idea: Tourism can bring benefits to an economy; however, it can cause problems in a local environment.
Lines of Inquiry
- The environmental regions found in North America.
- Similarities and differences between our location and a place in North America.
- How areas of natural beauty are changing due to tourism.
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are
Central Idea: The work that charities do can change a person’s life.
Lines of Inquiry
- What we are taught about charity through different communities.
- How charitable organisations are organised.
- Causes that charitable organisations support.
- Where charities have promoted change to legislation.
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: How The World Works
Central Idea: Scientific and technological advances can change quality of life.
Lines of Inquiry
- Scientific and technological advances.
- The impact of these on our daily lives.
- The choices people make.
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are in Place and Time
Central Idea: Human migration is a response to
challenges, risks and opportunities.
Lines of Inquiry
- Reasons for exploration
- The effects of Tudor exploration
- Migration in the modern world
- Our families and migration