Module 3 Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

I wish you all a happy New Year and welcome you back to LSPA for the Spring Term. 


As you will have seen we had a leaking pipe in the carpark and this has now been resolved. Whilst the footpath is being repaired, the arrangements for the gate will remain the same and then reopen once it has been completed. I would also like to remind all parents and carers to not drive into the academy staff carpark to drop off or pick up, unless this has been prearranged for exceptional reasons. A new barrier is due to be installed in the February half-term. Thank for your patience and support.

Online Safety

Each half-term we review different aspects of safeguarding within the academy, when we returned we discussed strategies with the children for staying safe online at home and at school. With both the staff and children we have reinforced the following rules: 

  • Pupils will only use websites that are directed 
  • Pupils will only go online when an adult is present  
  • Pupils will report anything they see or hear that makes them feel uncomfortable to a trusted adult 
  • Pupils who have Golden Pass will not use their devices in the library. 

If your child has a mobile phone and is on WhatsApp – please see the advice from National College attached. Talk to your children about the messages they send and receive and be kind to one another online. 

Squid Games is a popular TV program – which has a rating of 15 years and above. We know this TV program has been mentioned on gaming platforms that the children use. Here is a link with more information

With themes of horror and violence, it’s important for parents and carers to understand the potential risks posed to young audiences by the nine-episode Netflix-exclusive TV show, Squid Game. The series, rated 15+, is about a world where contestants who are deeply in debt play children’s games in order to win cash prizes. The losers, however, are violently killed. The show’s popularity has meant it has spread in various guises across online platforms, with a heightened risk of children and young people potentially viewing unsuitable content. This guide has been created to help parents and carers understand exactly what Squid Game is all about. In the guide, you’ll find tips on a number of potential risks such as inappropriate content, viral spin-offs and scene re-enactments.

Please see all the key dates for the term ahead:

Module 3 – key dates 

  • Thursday 30th January – Year 1 visit to Hall Place 
  • Friday 31st January – Number Day – NSPCC (letter to follow)
  • Saturday 1st February – 9th February – Story Telling Week – events in class 
  • Monday 3rd February – Year 5 – visit to the Guildhall 
  • Wednesday 5th February – Choir to the O2 – Young Voices 
  • Thursday 6th February – Author visit – Phillip Womack in to visit Year 5 and Year 6
  • Friday 7th February – Break the rules day
  • Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
  • Wednesday 13th February – Egyptian Day  
  • Thursday 13th February – Football – Small Schools County Finals (letter to follow)
  • Friday 14th February – INSET day school closed

All key dates and newsletters are uploaded to the News and letters tab on our website for your reference.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs R England | Principal