Welcome Back 2024-25

Dear parents/carers, 

I am delighted to welcome you back to the start of a new academic year. I hope everyone has had a restful summer break. As we start this term it naturally brings about new changes. As of the 1st of September, we are now officially Leigh Stationers’ Primary Academy. Our website address is now – https://leighstationersprimaryacademy.org.uk/.

It was lovely seeing all the children return, so excited to see one another, they have all settled in well in their new classes. As our youngest children also return to school and I would like to welcome any new families and children who are newly joining the school and I look forward to getting to know you.  

I would like to welcome Mrs Smith our newly appointed Higher-Level Teaching Assistant to the school. Mrs Smith has a wealth of experience and will be working in all classes across the school, covering teacher release time and working with small groups and carrying out intervention work.

As we start on this new journey with the Stationers’ Livery Company, who will be sponsoring the school as of September, it is important to us that parents are given the opportunity to hear first-hand how the partnership will be of benefit to all stakeholders. To that end, we invite you to a short presentation by the Chair and Vice Chair of governors from The Stationers’ Company to introduce themselves to you and explain how the partnership will work. This will take place in the school hall on Thursday 12th September at 2.15pm. We are confident that together we can build on the enormous success achieved and look forward to seeing you then. 

As it is the beginning of a new year, each class will be holding a curriculum meeting to give you an overview of your child’s learning and to share with you the expectations for the year. The meetings will take place in two sessions with the information repeated for parents with more than one child, all the slides will then be shared on the website.


  • Nursery: Monday 23rd September at 9:00 – 9:30am in the school hall. 
  • Reception – Year 6: Monday 9th September at 3:20pm and then again at 3:40pm. 


I also have very good news to share, Cherry Kids Club have completed the registration process with Ofsted.  I will send out a separate letter shortly, with a date for you to meet the team and sign up ready to launch  the wrap-around care after the October break.

Finally, you may have seen in the news, changes to attendance guidance and a copy of the new attendance policy can be found here: https://leighstationersprimaryacademy.org.uk/about-us/policies/ 


Kindest regards, 

Rebecca England 
