Home Learning
At Leigh Stationers’ Primary Academy all classes use Google Classroom as their online learning platform, children are expected to read each week and practise their mental Math skills using Times Tables Rock Stars.
Our Provision for Remote Education
If there is a need for Remote Learning then the children will use Google Classroom to access their learning. The work will be set each day and is equivalent to the amount of core teaching that your child would receive in school and in line with government guidance, this will be an average of three hours per day across the primary age range. Each day your child will be registered at the beginning of the day in the Google Meeting space and then complete their set tasks.
EYFS – Nursery and Reception and KS1 and KS2 Years 1-6
All classes will have tasks set on Google Classroom. There will be age-appropriate daily tasks and assignments which will include Maths and English and also an inquiry or Cross-Curricular task.
We are keen for children to enjoy learning and develop a commitment to inquiry practice and pursue topics of interest linked to the Primary Years Programme.
We also encourage the following to create a life-long love of reading which is proven to lead to academic success.
- Regularly read stories to your child
- Listen to your child read
- Talk to your child about what they are reading
- Ask questions such as, “What do you think that means?”, “What do you think of that character?”, “Why do you think she did that?”, “What might happen next?”
- Listen to stories together
- Explore a range of texts together including non-fiction
- Tell your child what you are reading and share bits with them (obviously suitable material)
- Have a variety of books around the home
Other recommended activities:
- Everyday maths – through playing games, shopping, budgeting pocket money, cooking from recipes
- Visiting places of interest; the library, museums, zoos and aquariums, planetarium, theatre, parks and open spaces
- Television – educational programmes that build on children’s interests
- Educational research internet – children need to learn how to use it to find things out – doing this at home with a parent will reinforce the good teaching about internet use they get in school, including e-safety.
- We will continue to signpost you to sites and activities via Google Classroom